This is a practical assessment covering routine stockmanship duties relevant to all livestock. The certificate acts as a pre-requisite to other livestock husbandry qualifications. A certificate of competence demonstrates that the successful candidate has practical skill, technical knowledge and ability which has been independently and reliably.


Who should attend?

It is suitable for candidates:

  • who wish to develop skills in stockmanship
  • who wish to add new skills to their portfolio
  • who wish to be identified as competent operators
  • who wish to promote a professional image

We strongly advise that all candidates attend a course of instruction before the assessment to ensure that they are properly equipped with the knowledge, skills and resources for a successful assessment.


Learning Outcomes:

The candidate will be able to identify those key aspects of legislation which apply to:

  • Themselves, other people, the environment
  • The wellbeing of livestock
  • The stockperson when carrying out routine practical livestock duties on a day to day basis taking into account safety of themselves, other people and the environment
  • The stockperson when carrying out routine practical livestock duties, ensuring the well being of livestock under their control